But what is a digital platform?

We use the term “digital platform” to refer to all ambitious and specific web projects that primarily meet a business need not addressed by solutions on the market. Whether you need to build a tailor-made management tool (ERP) for your business, a subscription path for an innovative service, an extranet for your customers, or a mobile application for your sales team, you need a partner with digital expertise to work with you to build a solution that’s right for you. While internal communications departments will often need an intranet to animate the internal life of the company, sales management will often need a secure space for distributors.

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New horizons

Whereas these tools used to be developed in-house by dedicated IT departments, today the web makes it possible to create highly ergonomic, scalable interfaces that are perfectly adapted to requirements. These are most often based on the Symfony opensource framework, which has become the undisputed benchmark for these systems over the last few years. SaaS or PaS SaaS? Despite the emergence of high-performance SaaS solutions over the last few years, ambitious structures need tailor-made solutions. The tools available on the market are suitable for most people, but the specific needs of large groups or established players require a coherent design to be achieved through tailor-made work, in order to save time internally.

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Mobilizing multiple areas of expertise

“It’s true, but it’s not easy: the more ambitious a digital project, the more decisive the design phase is in achieving its objectives. Our job is to help you translate your strategy into actionable specifications, by leading design thinking workshops with internal and external users of your platform, building interactive prototypes, or organizing workshops with your technical teams to define the management rules specific to your environment. From the creation of specifications to technical implementation, all Adveris expertise can be mobilized at your service. Our account managers and project managers are at your side to translate your needs into specifications. Our UX experts lead co-design workshops and imagine the most optimized user paths. Our creative studio keeps you abreast of the latest web trends, so that you can design your interface to the highest standards. Our in-house technical team implements your project to the highest development standards, using the most future-proof technologies on the market.

Regie et délégation de talents - Bureaux Adveris

After reflection comes time for action

What makes Adveris unique is that we have a much larger production team than many agencies who outsource the technical side, or ESN/SSIIs who neglect the creative side. This strategic choice enables us to accompany our customers from start to finish, right up to the launch of their digital platform. This approach gives us total control over the project, and encourages exchanges between teams, so that we can put in place the most effective system for our customers.

Become your service provider? No, your partner.

Although our customers may be looking for a service provider to carry out a mission to meet a business challenge, our mission goes far beyond this: to become your digital partner – that’s our ambition! From strategic thinking to the application maintenance of a platform developed by our teams, our mission is to support you over the long term and help you achieve your strategic objectives. With a multi-disciplinary team sharing the same ambition as you: to succeed, together.

Customers - Intra-Extranet / Business tool

Achievements - Extranet / Digital business tool

What are the advantages of launching an intranet creation?

Creating an intranet offers several advantages. An intranet tool can first help you manage your internal communication. Whether through your news, events, or managing an internal directory, an intranet facilitates internal communication within your company.

Beyond internal communication, creating an intranet network within your company allows you to stimulate discussions among your collaborators and strengthen the bond between your employees and your company. You can choose to set up surveys to understand your employees’ well-being within your company, make reminders about your collaborators’ birthdays, or create discussion walls. All of this can be ensured by an intranet tool and has the immense advantage of reinforcing the sense of belonging between your employees and your company.

Many other uses can be made through the creation of an intranet tool. From managing internal databases to implementing tools that facilitate collaborative work, an intranet tool will generally help facilitate your collaborators’ work.

Getting your collaborators to adopt the intranet creation

The main challenge for you is to get your collaborators to adopt the intranet creation. They are the ones who will use it on a daily basis. Before launching into creating your intranet tool, have your need validated internally by your own collaborators. The role of a communication agency is precisely to support you in facilitating the adoption of your intranet tool by your collaborators.

An intranet creation is successful when it encourages employees to return to the tool every day to work. Better yet, the intranet tool allows your collaborators’ work to flow more smoothly. Adopting an intranet compatible with applications already used by your company also allows for a simplified transition to the new tool. By allowing them to save precious time on their daily tasks, the intranet tool becomes essential in task completion and becomes necessary for your teams, who will gain in productivity.

The difference between intranet and extranet

When creating an intranet network, it may be relevant to define an extranet space. An extranet is a private network that allows controlled access to vendors and suppliers, or to an authorized set of customers or partners. An extranet is a subset of an intranet. It allows a specific group to access part of a company’s intranet network without granting access to the whole. An extranet is very practical for your company if you interact with an external company as part of a project. It allows you to define a perimeter within your intranet that the external company can browse. However, by defining precise access within the intranet, you can limit the third party’s consultation to a portion of the entire intranet resources.